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The Invaluable Role of Reviews!

The Invaluable Role of Reviews!

Today, we are going to talk about reviews and why they are SO SO SO important for both you as the client and us as the vendor.  

Picture this: you're on the hunt for the perfect vendors to make your wedding day absolutely magical. Where do you start? Well, obviously you are going to start by doing a google search or asking for recommendations about vendors on the social media groups but…..how do you start to narrow down all of the results you are getting. One word: Reviews.

 Planning a wedding is a monumental task, and trust me, you want every aspect of your big day to be flawless. Reviews basically give you a glimpse into what you can expect from a certain vendor at your wedding. While every couple is different, every wedding is different and every experience is different, the one common thing is that every couple simply wants to have an amazing wedding day that showcases them and their love. Reading reviews helps you gain insight into the experiences of other couples who've shared their magical day with a particular vendor.

Reviews equal Reliability and Reliability is key. By checking reviews, you're ensuring that your chosen vendor is reliable, consistent, and has a track record of delivering top-notch services. It's like having a sneak peek into your vendor's performance before the curtain rises on your big day. We have all seen those FB posts..... “So and so wedding vendor just ghosted a client” or “Vendor Jane did NOT provide what they promised us for our wedding”. 

As a vendor, I know that for all of us vendors, seeing these posts infuriates us and makes us shake our heads that someone could do that to our wonderful clients. In most cases however, it is completely preventable. First, every client shopping for a vendor needs to be vetting their choices and the easiest way to do that is to simply check out their reviews! If they are an established business who is truly focused on their craft and the wedding industry, they will have reviews somewhere. The most common is going to be google if they have set up a business profile but also FB, Wedding Wire, Angies list etc are all places they may have reviews. READ THEM! If a vendor is doing shady or poor work, the chances are, someone somewhere has mentioned it. Taking 20 minutes to really dive in and do some research on your potential vendors and read those reviews can help save a HUGE amount of heartache and stress later on down the road. 

As just a quick caviat, new vendors may not have reviews and that’s ok. Just make sure that if you are talking to a new vendor, you are taking some other actions to vet them such as an in person meeting, talking to clients they have worked with, verifying they are licensed and insured, and making sure you have a solid contract that clearly lists what the expectations are from both sides. 

Now, on to the flip side of this……… As a client, YOU HAVE TO LEAVE A REVIEW!! The only way someone is going to know about your positive (Or negative) experience you have had with your vendor is for you to leave a review. Now you can simply make a post in groups online but the problem with those is that the posts quickly disappear and the likelihood of them being seen again is slim. While they are great to express an immediate concern or issue, they don’t really do anything to help anyone in the long run. By leaving a review on an established channel, you are not only helping the vendor (If it’s a positive review) but any future clients that may be looking at hiring them. You know how important having your day go perfect is so taking 5 minutes to leave a reasonably descriptive review for your vendors helps any future couple decide if this vendor is right for them. In the case of a negative review, it helps to quickly extinguish that vendor from being able to hurt or damage any future clients.

Now, let's flip the script and look at it from the vendor's perspective. As wedding vendors, reviews are our lifeblood. They're not just a pat on the back; they're a lifeline to future success. I have heard it over and over from many of my vendor friends, while a tip is always greatly appreciated and helps us for the short term, a review is so much more valuable and impactful in the long run.

So Vendors, Imagine this: A couple stumbles upon your business online. What's the first thing they do? After quickly browsing through your pictures or blogs on your website, they are going to check your reviews. Positive reviews build trust, and trust is the foundation of any successful vendor-client relationship. But it doesn't stop there. Reviews play a crucial role in improving our SEO ranking. Now I am not going to go into a big long discussion about SEO although maybe that is a discussion for another day, however, the more positive reviews we have, the higher our business climbs in search engine results. And you know what that means? More visibility, more inquiries, and more opportunities to make wedding dreams come true. Lastly, reviews contribute to building our credibility as legitimate businesses. In a sea of options, a vendor with a trail of happy clients is a beacon of reliability. It's like a stamp of approval that says, "We're the real deal, and we're here to make your wedding unforgettable."

All this being said, you have to get those reviews in order for them to have an impact on your business. So, how do you get your clients to leave reviews? Simple……..Just ask! It really is that easy. We all know the saying, you never know unless you ask. You asked your client for their business. You asked them to trust you on their big day. You asked them what they wanted for their wedding. Now, simply ask them to leave an honest review. If you gave your all to making their wedding day everything they hoped and delivered what you promised you would, you should have no reason to be scared to ask for a review.

So, whether you're a couple in the midst of wedding planning or a fellow vendor in this incredible industry, never underestimate the power of reviews. They're not just words on a screen; they're the testimonials that shape our businesses and create memories that last a lifetime.


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